Thursday, April 13, 2006

Voy para Islandia

I am going to Iceland !!! Tomorrow is the big day when Nancy, Avery and myself head to Iceland to visit Nancy's family.

The funniest thing is the reaction that I get from people when I tell them I'm heading to Iceland, and then I have to explain everything. Its hilarious. Today I was able to convert some hot american dollars for cold icelandic kronsas. I was able to get 5000 kronas which equalled about $78 bucks. They had another person come in the day before and by some as well... guess who - Nancy..she beat me to it. But I have some of there currency to enter their country with. I should really finish packing, and I don't like leaving a messy apartment ( because that means I come home to a messy apartment).

I know I have not blogged much this week at all, my work schedule was hectic and I did have to concentrate on some other things. But I promise things will be better when I get back.

Some great news I got was my confirmation for the ONESKEIN pal exchange yesterday, I am so excited.

Talk to you all soon.

Bon Voyage !!!


Anonymous said...

:) Can't wait to see you guys!!! Enjoy the flight into the morning sun! ;)

AngeliasKnitting said...

Take lots of pictures for us!